My Canadian Pharmacy - Tramadol - Order Now!

Tramadol (brand names include: Tramjet / Adolan / Anadol / Contramal / Dolol / Dolzam / Dromadol / Ixprim / Ralivia / Tramadex / Tramal / Tridural / Utram / Ultram ER / Zamadol / Zydol / Zytrim / Zendol-SR) is a pain relief medication that is meant to help alleviate moderate to moderately severe pain.

Tramadol is a synthetic analgesic, not an anti-inflammatory, which means that people who cannot take anti-inflammatories due to the side effects can often take Tramadol to help relieve their pain.

Tramadol does not have gastrointestinal side effects associated with NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

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